Zooropa was stolen, too…
You probably know about the Achtung Baby recording sessions being bootlegged after early recording tapes were stolen in early 1991. But did you know that Zooropa was also stolen before it was released, too?
I had no idea. But there’s an article about it in this wonderful book of clippings that Teresa C. (@U2’s podcast producer) gave me recently. So here’s how the entry about Zooropa being stolen will look in the book:
June 3, 1993
In Miami today, Chris Blackwell and other Island/Polygram executives get an advance listen of U2’s new album, Zooropa. But in two other locations, police are looking for stolen copies of the album. Dublin police are investigating a break-in at Gavin Friday’s home in which the thieves stole several tapes, including a copy of Zooropa. And another copy of the album is missing in Los Angeles, after a courier was mugged. Paul McGuinness tells reporters the band is aware of the situation: “We’re working as fast as we can. Why would anyone buy an expensive, bad-quality bootleg when the real thing will be out in a month?”
October (stolen briefcase), Achtung Baby (studio demos), Zooropa (2 copies 1 month before its release), ATYCLB (Bono’s laptop with some lyrics) and HTDAAB (South of Frence stolen copy). Am I missing anything? What’s wrong with you, guys?
Somebody once sent me some demo versions of UF songs. I wonder where those came from…a leak at Slane?
I wonder if they ever recovered this early version of Zooropa…I’d love to hear the rough mixes.