Unanswered Questions, vol. 3
First, an update: I’m done going through the Best of Propaganda book. I actually ended up using the @U2 News database, where we’ve posted more from the magazine than they had in the book! Thanks to everyone who helped in this previous question — after reading the various articles, I took some pretty good guesses on what month each issue came out.
I’m not at home at the moment, so don’t have access to my U2 bookcase, but I think U2 by U2 is the only book that’s left to go through. I’m not gonna mark that one up, I don’t think.
Okay, now on to the current list of unresolved questions….
1.) Still don’t have a date for the famous “$23 million offer for ‘Streets'” story that I mentioned in this post. Probably never will get that answer.
2.) I will probably also never get even a rough idea of the date when the Sony Walkman/Joshua Tree print advertisement started showing up. That ad can be seen in this post.
3.) Don’t have the date that Waterboys singer Mike Scott married Irene Keogh. Edge and Adam attended.
4.) Still don’t have the date of the video shoot for “Two Hearts Beat as One,” which seems unlikely to have happened in March, 1983, as all the sources suggest. But … GOOD NEWS! … I’m in contact with Meiert Avis and hope he can help!
5.) No clue on the Italian awards U2 won in 1985, nor the meeting in Paris about the Heroine soundtrack, all of which is mentioned in this article.
6.) Don’t know the exact date U2 recorded their parts for The Simpsons. I’ve contacted Fox TV public relations, but they’re not being very helpful.
7.) Did Bono and Garry Kasparov ever have that chess match? It’s one the all-time mysteries. I think they never squared off, but there’s no evidence either way that I can find.
8.) Still don’t have when and where Dick Evans was born.
9.) Still don’t have the exact date Mt. Temple opened in 1972.
That’s all for now, but I will post a new list soon — hopefully next week — with additional calls for help!
On the Mount Temple question, you said you had emailed the website but maybe faxing or calling might get a response. Or maybe a Dublin newspaper could have had a report on the school opening and might provide a date.
Mount Temple Comprehensive School
Malahide Road
Dublin 3.
Telephone: 01-8336984 / 5
Fax: 8332866
E-mail: temple9@eircom.net
at 4) good stuffis with avis. don`t really see the problem with the date though. they had four days after the fance show, plenty of time for a videoshoot I think. Shouldn`t have taken them more than a day. but maybe avis can clear things easily for you.
Here is Mike Scott’s Myspace page. If it’s really him, you might be able to find out. Might be a sensitive subject though…