Two New International Versions of U2-A Diary

Just passing along some good news from Omnibus Press: When the updated version of U2-A Diary comes out later this year, it will also be released in two new countries! Translations are planned in both Portugal and Serbia. I don’t know when they’ll be available, though. The English-language book is being targeted for release in […]
Manuscript Done – One Last Question
Last night at about 11:00 pm, I finished the manuscript and all associated documents for the 2nd edition of U2-A Diary! I’ll be sending Omnibus a little more than 40,000 words and the new book should be 400 pages total when it comes out this summer. But I have one last question for U2 fans. […]
Unsolved Mysteries, January 2011
The manuscript for the second edition of U2 – A Diary is due in two weeks. Yikes! I still have some research and writing left to do, so here’s one last call for help with the remaining list of unsolved mysteries — most of which date back to before the first edition was published. If […]
Bono – A Near Miss in Negril, Jamaica
Did you know that Bono nearly died 15 years ago today? Not exactly the cheeriest of episodes to bring up, but it’s true. Here’s the U2-A Diary entry for January 16, 1996: January 16 Bono and his family are on the receiving end of police gunfire as their plane lands in Negril, Jamaica, where they […]
Bono on Les Enfants du Rock in 1987
Here’s an interview that I’ve never seen before. I discovered it over the weekend while researching the book. It’s from the French TV show, Les Enfants du Rock. The YouTube page says this aired in 1987. I can tell you that it was recorded on June 4, 1986. Bono and the band were in San […]
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