A day-by-day history of U2, now in its second edition.

Help: How is this possible?

By on July 1, 2007 in Call for Help with 11 Comments

You probably know about the “naked interview” that all four band members did with Irish DJ Dave Fanning in 1987. Then in 1992 there was another interview — just Bono this time — in which Bono reportedly stripped naked during the interview. This supposedly happened at Nikitas Restaurant in London during the 3rd week of March, 1992.

U2Faqs.com has a description of the event, complete with newspaper article references and confirmation from a U2 publicist.

In its March 27, 1992, issue, Newsday says this happened “earlier this week.”

How is that possible? U2 was on tour in the U.S. that week:

March 20: New York
March 21: Albany
March 23: Montreal
March 24: Toronto
March 26: Cleveland

Anyone have better information about the date of this nekkid interview?

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  1. rihannsu says:

    Well the interview was for Face Magazine and is in the atu2 archives. It mentions the One video shoot with Anton Corbjin as taking place a few days earlier. The author is Sean O’Hagan. Don’t know if that helps or not.

  2. rihannsu says:

    According to U2&I the Anton Corbijn book, the One shoot in Berlin was in February 1992. I would say that Newday got the timing wrong. That’s not surprising considering the state of journalism in the last 20 years. Nobody seems to check facts anymore. Maybe you could contact O’Hagan? Or if the restaurant is still in business they might know.


  3. esparby says:

    I don’t know much about Newsday, but during my brief experience in the journalism field I discovered that sometimes an article intended for a particular issue/periodical is cut to make room for more “important” articles and is used at a later date. So it’s entirely possible that the interview took place after the One shoot, and that the article was written shortly thereafter but was not published until later when space allowed (and the “earlier this week” may have been overlooked). I agree with Dana; it might be worth contacting Newsday or O’Hagan for more information.

  4. Matt says:

    Thanks for the help on this, folks. I think you’re right about it being earlier in the year than Newsday says. It has to be…..

  5. Joe says:

    I have no idea what type of response you might get, but here is Dave Fanning’s myspace page…he might be a great resource as you continue in your quest.


  6. Mike says:

    Magazines use the issue date on the front of the magazine as a guide for when the issue is to be taken OFF the shelf, so the content would be for the previous time period. In the case of a weekly magazine, that would be the previous week, so they may have been referring to the second week of March instead of the third week.

  7. Matt says:

    Thanks for the help on this, gang. It’s definitely February, but I doubt I’ll find an exact date.

  8. Jeff S says:

    >Magazines use the issue date on the front of the
    >magazine as a guide for when the issue is to be
    >taken OFF the shelf, so the content would be for
    >the previous time period. In the case of a weekly
    >magazine, that would be the previous week, so they
    >may have been referring to the second week of March
    >instead of the third week.

    Newsday, however, is a daily newspaper for the NY Tri-State area.

  9. Joe says:

    Looking back at the 1992 calendar, March 27 was a Friday. So that means this was written on Thursday, March 26 for Friday. Since the term “earlier in the week” was used, the only viable days were Monday the 23rd through Wednesday the 25th. Had it been the previous Sunday, the term used would have been “last weekend”.

    I think this narrows down the search as much as may be possible at this point.

  10. Dan says:

    An interesting bit to add to this discussion. During this interview:
    at the 22 minute mark, Adam mentions something about “putting his clothes back on” and the DJ says, “just because you can do those sorts of things on album covers doesn’t mean that you can do them here”. Also, this same interview mentions that Bono was tired due to “shooting videos all day”. This interview dates to February 16th, 1992. Is it possible that the band were filming interiors for One in the UK? Did they fly in from Berlin for the interview?

  11. Matt says:

    Thx Dan.

    My guess is they flew in from Berlin. The Corbijn “One” shoot was definitely February. (EBTTRT was in London, but that was January.)

    Is there any way to find out what time this interview aired on the 13th?

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