Got It. :-)
This is what it looks like when you can’t believe there’s a book that’s been published with your name on it. 🙂
This one arrived today from Amazon. I’m expecting a few books to arrive from the warehouse any day now, and those will be used to send out to Beth, our prior contest winner, and for another 1-2 contests I still want to do.
I know a lot of people in the U.S. are getting their copies this week. What about in other countries? I’m kinda curious how far the distribution has spread….
Apparently Amazon has shipped my order to Australia…
It looks bigger in real life!
I went to my local B&N and they don’t have it in the store but were willing to order it for me. There were no plans to have it in stock. Of course, I might be the only one in town who buys any of their U2 merch.
Same exact thing happened to me. 🙂 So I told them that I’m the author, and would like to be able to send friends and family in to buy it, so they put in an order for 5 copies….
Our B&N doesn’t carry many music boooks to begin with.
Germany has it – or at least I have it 🙂 shipped two days ago.
Fantastic job on the book. I got mine on Wednesday, which was perfect timing as I’ve been home sick from work, so I read it straight through with only a break for some necessary sleep. 🙂
I was at the (in)famous first show in Boston on 12/13/80 (I know, I know, there were only 100 people there but 5,000+ say they were, but I really was!) and have had some ups and downs with the band in my 28+ years (where did the time go?) of fandom, but have overwhelmingly felt extremely lucky to have this band in my life for so long; it’s been a gift. And your book is a gift too. While reading it I was able to relive my life through your writing and details. It brought many a smile to my face to be able to chart most of my adult life through the excellent details and events you documented.
So I wanted to say thanks. Thanks for the memories, thanks for the hard work and thanks for the temperance. I’m so glad you stuck to the facts without adding much of your own views and opinion. Even though I’ve enjoyed your opinions over the years, this book wasn’t the place for that.
Best wishes for success with the book. You should be very proud. Thanks again.
I got mine from Amazon.
I like it!
I also like the JT picture you have on you wall, Matt. I’ve got it, too.
In fact, your bookshelf looks a lot like mine, too.
Hi there Matt
Congrats for the book again.
Mine has already been shipped, accordingly to
I expect to put me hands on it sooner than Friday – well, at least hopefully…
all the best.
Thanks for the kind words, everyone. 🙂
I picked it up in store in Halifax tonight at Chapters. There’s six copies of it in Metro Halifax split between two stores. I made a dent in that by one. I’ll let you know when I see the others move…
I sent you a pic from my Gmail account of me holding a copy in hand at the bookstore…with two other copies on the rack beside me. I was really excited to point it out to my friends, and to find my name in the back. Thanks Matt. So proud of you this evening…
I saw 5 copies in a book store last week in the Netherlands.
Matt, what’s that DVD sitting there between R&H and Zoo TV? 🙂