Anyone have The Simpsons Season 9 DVD?
The Simpsons episode that U2 appeared on is included on the Simpsons Season 9 DVD. That DVD apparently includes some video shot on the day U2 recorded their audio at Fox Studios, along with some commentary from Simpsons regulars about that day.
I’m thinking that might be helpful for the book, especially since I have no idea the exact date that U2 recorded their audio.
Does anyone have the DVD? Does it tell what day U2 did their parts?
I don’t have the DVD but I found this on YouTube:
Isn’t this the clip mentioned in the atu2 blog a while back?
I don’t know if there is any more than this nearly three minute clip on the DVD, though…
Yep, that’s gotta be it — thank you both. 🙂
Shame it doesn’t say what day they did their voicework. I’m guessing it might’ve been the week between Mexico City and Vancouver PopMart – they could stop in L.A. on the way up north. Or maybe after the tour ended in March, but that wouldn’t leave much time for putting the show together.
I would be willing to bet you good money you could contact the Simpsons people and they would tell you.
I’m finding it impossible to even find contact information for anyone associated with The Simpsons, but I’ll keep trying. 🙂